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Professional Investigations

Family Law

Investigate infidelity cases, child custody cases, and locating an estranged parent or child  – safely and delicately.


Missing Persons

Investigate missing persons cases to help loved ones find or receive closure when someone
goes missing.  Working with law enforcement officials in active missing person cases, or 
attempt to find new evidence in a cold case.  Our unique training and expertise helps us 
uncover and track leads others simply miss.


Insurance Fraud


Handling claims in which there is suspected fraudulent or criminal activity such as arson, 
staged accidents, or unnecessary medical treatments.  We help reduce potential losses.

Workers Compensation Investigations

CandS investigates worker’s compensation claims to prove or disprove the compensation
relevance.  We provide the necessary supporting surveillance to corroborate any evidence.

Corporate Investigations

When conducting investigations into company policy, structure, and its employees; CandS 
can run pre-screenings of new employees and investigate complaints of harassment, drug use, and activities such as copyright infringement and fraud.

CandS can also provide physical corporate security and personal threat assessments.
If identified, appropriate counter-measures can be developed, recommended and implemented.

Competitive Pricing.  Price concluded after a free consultation

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